by MJSdesigners | Oct 5, 2022 | Designer's BLOG
With over 40 million Americans moving each year, you’re not alone if you’re thinking about switching homes. And if you’re ready to build a custom home, you owe it to yourself to familiarize yourself with the options before breaking ground. After all,...
by MJSdesigners | Sep 30, 2022 | Designer's BLOG
The most recent statistics available show that custom-built homes have increased their market share to 20%. While this doesn’t mean they’re close to taking over the market when compared to built-for-sale homes, they are continuing to increase in popularity. And, we...
by MJSdesigners | Sep 24, 2022 | Designer's BLOG
When answering the question of how many bedrooms your dream home needs, it’s helpful to know what the average is across the United States. The answer is three. The average home in the US has three bedrooms. However, that doesn’t mean that that’s the right number of...
by MJSdesigners | Sep 15, 2022 | Designer's BLOG
If you’ve been trying to buy a house recently, you know the housing market is pretty brutal. That’s partly fueled by a startling fact. America is currently short of a staggering 5.4 million homes. With such a housing shortage, it could make you wonder...
by MJSdesigners | Aug 31, 2022 | Designer's BLOG
While the young often relocate for college and then for their careers, it’s different for those approaching retirement or in retirement. An estimated 90 percent of people in that category prefer the option of aging in place. In other words, they see value in...